PMP - Phytomassopodia


The foot is the only “organ in the plural”: it receives and transmits sensations; it is a circulation pump; it is a load-bearing structure and a propulsion and support system; it is a complete reflex point. The foot “feels”, “pumps”, “supports”, “moves”, and transmits emotions all over the rest of the body. It’s a world in miniature that holds within itself all the profiles of the entire body, to the extent that well-being given to the feet spreads out to the entire psychosomatic mechanism.
The feet are the worst treated part of the entire locomotive system: their very “life” depends on them, and it receives information from them on how to move or be still. Any unbalancing stimulus whatsoever affects the equilibrium of the entire psychosomatic mechanism (just think of the mood you're in after walking around all day in tightly fitting shoes!), so the “culture of the feet” has to become an essential part of the “culture of the body”. Unsuitable shoes, unbalanced posture, sedentary lifestyle and other factors are killing for the feet, and damaging to both the body’s structure and one’s mood. A balanced treatment directed at the feet re-constructs the well-being of the entire person, but in order to give this result it must naturally have all the characteristics of the treatment of the general well-being of the whole body: it must be gauged within the application times and pressure measurements and, in particular, it must awaken the myo-articular, reflex and phlebological conditions, taking selected, scientifically titrated essential carrier oils through the skin.
This is why Phytomassopodia® is the only road that leads to the well-being of the whole person, using a “gateway” of primary importance: the foot.
The feet are the base of our body, essential for blood and lymphatic circulation, crossed by the energy meridians of all the organs. The ancients knew this very well, which is how eastern and western cultures now agree on the importance of the feet for personal well-being. It is therefore of fundamental importance to trust the PHYTOMASSOPODIA® method from the physiological and psychosomatic points of view.
The wellness scenario lacked a specific study on feet, and the well-being that emanates from them:
The Phytomassopodia® method is the scientific answer to this necessity.

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